Many thanks to Fil and Albie Burgers, Paul Kilgour and Andrew McLellan for their great work on the trap line. Trapping rats and stoats is a matter of survival for the native birds at Rameka. Over the last 12 months, they have caught 19 stoats and 30 rats.
This has provided a much better environment for birds, and we can now confirm that there is a family of weka resident at Project Rameka!

General Pest Control
If you’ve been wondering why you hardly ever see a possum at Project Rameka anymore, that is because Matt Shoult fills possum bait stations twice a year. The native plant and animal species are really thriving as a result. The growth is phenomenal.
Matt has also teamed up with Project Devine to wipe out some huge infestations of banana passionfruit on the new block of land. It’s scary how much forest area those vines can smother.
Matt has also been fast to react to reports of wild goats and pigs, keeping numbers as low as realistically possible. (15 and 19 down respectively) Thanks Matt.