November Action Stations!

Next month will be a busy time at Project Rameka. Come and join us if you can spare the time!

Test and Tickle

On Sunday 13 November we will be holding a ‘Test and Tickle Up’ work party on Great Expectations. The goal is to identify the spots that are currently unrideable for Grade 2 riders and fix them.

So if you are a Grade 2 rider, please come along and test the track for us, then help us make it work for you!

Meet at the top of Great Expectations, at 10am on Sunday.

We will have some tools, and some food for a picnic lunch.

Where the Hell are We?

During the week of the 14-18th November, Marie and Bronnie will be working with US interns Jane and Charlotte to paint new signs – one for every track intersection in the project. These will be popping up to help visitors know where they are heading.

To the Scrub Face

On Wednesday afternoon, 16th November, Jonathan and Martin will be leading a work party to uncover more of the historic Rameka Track. We will meet at the Totara Carpark at 1pm, and head up the escarpment to the Scrub Face. It’s a fair walk in now, and the views are impressive.

The Odyssey

We are also on the lookout for a couple of Trail Pixies to give some TLC to The Odyssey. It shouldn’t take much – just a bit of vege trimming, and perhaps removing the odd rut here and there. If you are able to spare the time, please contact Jonathan ( or Martin at the Quiet Revolution Cycle Shop.

Suck it Up

A heartfelt salute to all those that planted trees last August (and previous years). They are growing incredibly well, and sucking up carbon dioxide in the process. Just a reminder that Good S@#T Happens when good people make it happen.


Pedal On!

Jonathan Kennett

P.S. Thanks to all the people who have been beavering away on the tracks over the last few months!

Carbon forest grows by over 800 trees!


One of the key goals of the Rameka Carbon Forest is to combat climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide. The best tool we have available to us for long-term carbon sequestration is a tree. They self replicate and live for a long time; some of the ones we planted live up to 700 years! So, on the 20-21 August 2016 and the following weeks we planted over 800 trees.

Thank you to everyone that came out to help! We had planters from Golden Bay, Wellington and Nelson. Then, after we left DOC donated 70 more red beech trees and 50 more rata that were planted by Cath Kelly, Peggy Leyland, and Matt.

The trees planted this year were fundraised by Ginny Wood as part of her epic cycle ride, The Tour Aotearoa! These were no ordinary trees; many were high quality trees with several years of growth to give them a head start to beat out the harsh grass, wind, and possible animal browsing. Of the 800+ trees there were pioneers species such as kohuhu, wineberry, akeake, tarata, mahoe, and five finger that will shade out grass and weeds and provide shelter for the climax species. No planting is complete without getting some climax species like rimu, miro, totara, and rata in the ground. We also planted beech, kaka beak, flax, hinau, and grisilinia to increase the biodiversity and provide food and shelter for native wildlife.


The next big project is the bridge over Rameka Creek. We are still fundraising on Give-a-Little, which closes 1 November.


Uncovering the Path

With only a few formal work parties fantastic progress has been made in the last 10 months uncovering a bit of Golden Bay history.

Snaking up the west facing slopes of the land added to Project Rameka late in 2015, the Historic Rameka Track weaves its way between limestone outcrops and tomos.

Surveyed and built in the 1850s as an alternative route for droving stock to and from the Bay the historic track has laid hidden for a number of decades by a flourishing cover of regenerating native forest and pines.

With a walker and biker friendly gradient of 1:40 we are very keen to finish uncovering this path to both expand access for pest control and recreational opportunities in Project Rameka.

Armed with chain saws and pruning saws over 1000m of the track has already been opened up, spearheaded by Martin Langley, our neighbours Peter and Jim Sim and volunteers such as Phil Castle from Motupipi Hill.

The long term plan is to have this track opened up as a formal cycleway linked to the top of The Odyssey track.

Help us make it happen – keep an eye out for workparties here

Jonathan Kennett, Paul Bruce and Sonja Mitchell tidying up one of many switchbacks
Jonathan Kennett, Paul Bruce and Sonja Mitchell tidying up one of many switchbacks

Gory business time


Many thanks to Fil and Albie Burgers, Paul Kilgour and Andrew McLellan for their great work on the trap line. Trapping rats and stoats is a matter of survival for the native birds at Rameka. Over the last 12 months, they have caught 19 stoats and 30 rats.

This has provided a much better environment for birds, and we can now confirm that there is a family of weka resident at Project Rameka!

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Matt the hunter is stalked by a resident weka.

General Pest Control

If you’ve been wondering why you hardly ever see a possum at Project Rameka anymore, that is because Matt Shoult fills possum bait stations twice a year. The native plant and animal species are really thriving as a result. The growth is phenomenal.

Matt has also teamed up with Project Devine to wipe out some huge infestations of banana passionfruit on the new block of land. It’s scary how much forest area those vines can smother.

Matt has also been fast to react to reports of wild goats and pigs, keeping numbers as low as realistically possible. (15 and 19 down respectively)  Thanks Matt.

Fundraising for a bridge over Rameka Creek

We are currently fundraising to build a 12-metre bridge across Rameka Creek at the bottom of Great Expectations. This will enable the track to be safely used all year round and will also provide an emergency escape route for local residents.

Crossing Rameka Creek in flood.

The total cost of the bridge is calculated at $15,600, and so far we have raised $8,100.

Before we can build the bridge we will need to raise another $7,500.

You can make a donation very simply by:

If you have any ideas about ways to progress the bridge or anything else on the project, we’d love to hear from you. Email us any time at:


Happy trails!

Jonathan Kennett

Project Rameka Chair