Great Expectations!

Things are moving along at the project. Over 200 metres of track have now been completed on the Great Expectations track, and another 200 metres have been marked out through thick scrub.

This track is going to be awesome. It will ultimately provide a truly mellow route from the top of the project down to the valley, weaving its way through a large section of the property and providing not only hours of fun for bikers and walkers but also fun for pest controllers too!

Rumor has it that some hardy souls have already plugged their way through to the bottom of the valley after riding to the end of Great Expectations and … discovering a dead end. What! What to do? … What to do? Lug the bikes back up or continue the downward plunge with great expectations. Well done to the intrepid explorers. Someone has to be the first, eh? Your exploits, if not your names, will be remembered with awe for a long time.

Heartfelt thanks go out to all who have taken part in Project Rameka efforts to date; all those in the photographs and those behind the scenes who have added so much to the developments. You know when we’re meaning you!

At the work party on Sunday 10 May were: Martin and Marie Langley, Ricky and Patrick Ward, Megan and Ralphie, Seamus, Nicky, Josh and Danny Ryan, Brent and James, Fill and Albie Burgers (supplying amazing soup once again – your soup is becoming legendary, you two!!), John, Brian, Corigan, Beth and Phil, and Matt Shoult.

The Ryan family came out in force and whipped that track into shape with their own formidable style. You rock guys!



A hardy team comprising: Megan, Ralphie, Brian and Corigen took advice from Ricky to subdue a curly switchback.


New committee member Patrick Ward passed his initiation test of bashing through 100 metres of thick scrub with a smile on his dial.


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