Uncovering the Path

With only a few formal work parties fantastic progress has been made in the last 10 months uncovering a bit of Golden Bay history.

Snaking up the west facing slopes of the land added to Project Rameka late in 2015, the Historic Rameka Track weaves its way between limestone outcrops and tomos.

Surveyed and built in the 1850s as an alternative route for droving stock to and from the Bay the historic track has laid hidden for a number of decades by a flourishing cover of regenerating native forest and pines.

With a walker and biker friendly gradient of 1:40 we are very keen to finish uncovering this path to both expand access for pest control and recreational opportunities in Project Rameka.

Armed with chain saws and pruning saws over 1000m of the track has already been opened up, spearheaded by Martin Langley, our neighbours Peter and Jim Sim and volunteers such as Phil Castle from Motupipi Hill.

The long term plan is to have this track opened up as a formal cycleway linked to the top of The Odyssey track.

Help us make it happen – keep an eye out for workparties here

Jonathan Kennett, Paul Bruce and Sonja Mitchell tidying up one of many switchbacks
Jonathan Kennett, Paul Bruce and Sonja Mitchell tidying up one of many switchbacks