Jonathan Kennett, Bronwen Wall, Simon Johnson and Karyn Burgess – Rameka settlors and trustees
Join us in funding the purchase of a regenerating forest next to Project Rameka in Golden Bay.

UPDATE: As at Friday 9 January, we’ve reached$315,000 in pledges. $420,000 goal. Just over a week to go.
We are off to a great start and have gained an assurance from the property’s owners that we will have first dibs on purchasing it. In fact, they have removed it from Trademe and given us until 19 January to raise funds.
For those who are concerned about climate change and would like to support turning this land into a carbon sink to pull pollution out of the atmosphere, this is an exciting opportunity. This land is ideal.
It also offers potential additional benefits of:
- an extension to the historic Rameka Track all the way down to Takaka valley
- a few hectares of orchard and pasture, as well as a possible dwelling at the bottom, which could be developed as a lifestyle block.
What’s so great about the land that’s for sale?
The majority of the land is cloaked in young native forest, which has the potential to grow fast and absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. Its protection would also increase the green corridor from the edge of Abel Tasman National Park to the DOC Scenic Reserve beside Rameka Creek.
Size: 50 hectares (46 hectares moderate to steep land above a pig-proof fence and 4 hectares below the fence on flat land)
Vegetation: Mostly regenerating native forest above a pig-proof fence, with some orchards and a little pasture at the bottom.
Outlook: Westerly aspect overlooking the Takaka valley.
Geology: This is karst country with cool limestone outcrops.
RV: $360,000 (asking price, over $400,000)

How much carbon dioxide?
35 hectares of native forest and 5 hectares of pine forest can pull over 400 tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere every year.
This compares to an average carbon footprint (in NZ) of 18 tonnes of CO2being added to the atmosphere each year. (You can calculate your personal or family carbon footprint at Your footprint might be much lower – Paul Kennett’s is 1 tonne per annum.)
Helping to ‘carbon sink’ 1 hectare for a one-off donation of around $10,000 would equate to 10 tonnes of your carbon emissions being absorbed each year for the rest of your life.
Recreation potential
The property for sale also has the historic Rameka Track (an old pack route) going through it at a very gentle gradient. This track could be opened up for recreation purposes to connect Project Rameka with the Takaka valley (and would also be useful for pest control).
Holiday/work-base potential
There are a few buildings on the bottom flat 5 hectares (below the pig proof fence), including a permitted ‘studio’, which has a garage, bathroom and workshop below, and expansive views from the top floor.
This would be a great base for working holidays.
Gateway to involvement
It is important that those involved with this land share similar views and motivations. The goal is primarily to mitigate climate change, with the added benefits of forest restoration and recreation.
This is not a conventional (ie, financial) investment opportunity – it is an environmental investment opportunity. The land would be added to Project Rameka and managed in accordance with those goals, covenanted (most likely with a QEII Covenant) and legally protected in perpetuity.
However, the future ownership and management of the 4 hectares below the pig-proof fence may work on a different basis, as this area suits being a lifestyle block more than a carbon sink. For example, the Trust might look at the possibility of selling an interest in that small lifestyle section of the land to recover some of the purchase costs, or might seek to buy the land with a third party who wants to own the lifestyle block.
Pledge $100 or more
Give this amount and you’ll be kept up to date with our progress and we’ll say THANK YOU on the Project Rameka blog. We will also give you a PFSI carbon credit equivalent to one tonne of CO2.
Pledge $1000 or more
This amount gives the land a great start by paying for a professional to spend a week on the property controlling pest species such as old man’s beard (which smothers regenerating forest) and wild pigs (which decimate plants growing at ground level). For this pledge, you will receive a Ground Effect fleece top embroidered with the Rameka logo, as well as a PFSI one tonne carbon credit.
Pledge $10,000 or more
Leave a legacy. This amount is enough to offset a modest-sized carbon footprint, every year, for the rest of your life, and beyond. With this awesome pledge, you will receive a native tree seedling and a special edition “Rameka Carbon Neutral” designer top, as well as five PFSI carbon credits.
Pledge $50,000 or more
This amount makes you a real carbon sink legend, so in addition to the rewards above we’d offer you the chance to become one of the Rameka trustees and take an active role in the management of the land (interview required to ensure we are all on the same page J).
Funding period
19 December 2014 to 19 January 2015.
Pledge now
If you are interested, just reply now or before 19 January with an indication of how much you would like to pledge. We will keep in contact with regular fundraising updates.
If you have any questions, contact Jonathan Kennett, phone 027 284 5599 or email jonathan[at]kennett[dot]co[nz] or Bronwen Wall, email bronwen[at]wall[dot]net[dot]nz
Useful links
To find out the latest on climate change from the most reliable sources, check out:
A summary of Project Rameka
Land size: 48 hectares
Trees planted since 2008: 4000
Carbon sequestered: 4800 tonnes
Track built: 5 km
Pests controlled: possums, stoats, weasels, rats, pigs and goats
References: Paradise Saved (pub 2014), and
Our climate is changing, with a worldwide loss of ice and snow,
more extreme weather events and rising sea levels.
How much it changes in the future depends mainly on
how much CO2 is in the atmosphere – and that is up to us.
Growing trees alone is not enough to solve climate change,
but it is a way for you to remove your share of the greenhouse gases.
Be part of the solution.