Early March 2009
The week’s work began early with a track work party on the main track – Great Expectations – on Sunday. Well over 20 people from Wellington, Nelson and Golden Bay showed up and built 300 metres of beautiful flowing single track.
Big thanks to Seamus and Josh, Martin and Marie, Alistair, Cain and Dylan, Simon, Sarah and Miro, Jo, Andrew, Jake and Morag, Simon Johnson, Jonathan, Dean and Dylan, Murray and Ginny, Will Harris, Bruce, Steve and Julie Thompson, Melanie Millar, Ricky and Patrick and Theron Burgess. Some people helped out for a couple of hours, others hung in there all day.
After the work party several people rode the track and thought it was very sweet indeed.
During the rest of the week there were all sorts of things done. Murray and Ginny from Wellington stayed for a few days and weeded almost all the trees that were planted last year, and topped a pine tree that threatened to hit the Lorax Lair if it fell over.
Jonathan and Simon from Wellington, stayed all week and while Jonathan concentrated on building a couple of box seats/bunks in the hut, Simon dealt to a lot of barberry.
Jo and Andrew had been staying with their kids earlier in the month and finished building all the box tunnels for the traps. Since then 3 stoats and several rats have been caught. Here is some proof, if any more was needed, that rats like eating birds eggs.
Several other small tasks were completed by various people, and to be honest I can’t remember all of them, but plant guards were constructed, more track designed, and the Project Rameka committee met and agreed to do a number of new things, that will no doubt feature on this blog in the near future.