To Be Done

Saturday 1 November 2008
Due to popular demand, here is the “wish list” of Project Rameka’s preferred Christmas prezzies for 2008.

Things we could do with:
1. An 8-pint billy for cooking over the fire
2. Guttering and spouting for the Lorax Lair (two lengths of guttering, 4 metres long)
3. A large water tank to collect rain water (400 to 1000 litres would be good)
4. A water filter of some sort
5. Jet prickers for the old Optimus 00 stove (last seen in the Bay in the 1980s)
6. Wooden stakes for plants (25 by 25mm up to 50 by 50mm)
7. Wire netting to use for plant protection
8. Larger water tank for the pipeline supply (200 to 1000 litres)

Funds towards:
1. Spraying weeds on side of Rameka Road (approx $300)
2. First Aid Kit ($150)
3. 18 Stoat Traps ($90)

If you can help with any of the above, please contact Project Rameka. You can email us at projectrameka [at]

Or you can write to:
Project Rameka Incorporated Society
Secretary, Marie Langley
Parapara Beach, RD2 Takaka

Donations can also be delivered to The Quiet Revolution Cycle Shop in Takaka.

Thanks for your support.

Warning! Dangerous Canivore Spotted on the Project

Saturday 1 November 2008
It’s official folks. This photo of a snail casually minding its own business on Project Rameka was sent through to DOC for id-ing. The identification came back as Powelliphanta hochstetteri, the native carniverous snail. This critter can grow to 65 to 70 mm in diametre – guess it’s all in the protein snaffled from unsuspecting bikers. Legend has it that bikers disappear on the Rameka after falling down unobserved tomos. We now know this to be untrue. They have been eaten by snails!!

Be very, very careful on your bike rides and walks in the Rameka. This snail is only small because the project is so young.


Retro Snow Pics

From July 2008
Here are a couple of photos taken by neighbour Dave Lewis of the ‘Big Snow’. It was apparently one of the biggest dumps in living memory. This sort of storm leads some climate change denialists to say “Global Warming?! What Global Warming?!”. Meanwhile, every credible scientific organisation on the planet continues issuing warnings about “Climate Change”.


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The Rameka Easy Track

Saturday 20 September 2008

The tree planting was followed by an extended pot-luck BBQ, with the highlight once again being a huge pot of soup and homemade bread supplied by Fil and Albie. Yum. That’s worth the trip up the hill on it’s own!


Feeling fully fueled up, we spent the afternoon extending the easy Rameka Track. At this work party, we were branching off the historic Rameka Trail to sidle around the main spur on the Project property.


At first, the digging was easy, and within 2 hours, we had covered over 200 metres. Then, as the terrain became steeper, progress slowed. It’s going to be a fantastic ride/walk once it’s built, but there is still a lot of work to do before it can be officially open.
Thanks to Frankie, Karl, Bronnie, Jonathan, Seamus, Derrie, Rickie, Patrick, Martin, Marie, Blake and Sam for plugging the hard yards.