Saturday 20 September 2008
The tree planting was followed by an extended pot-luck BBQ, with the highlight once again being a huge pot of soup and homemade bread supplied by Fil and Albie. Yum. That’s worth the trip up the hill on it’s own!

Feeling fully fueled up, we spent the afternoon extending the easy Rameka Track. At this work party, we were branching off the historic Rameka Trail to sidle around the main spur on the Project property.

At first, the digging was easy, and within 2 hours, we had covered over 200 metres. Then, as the terrain became steeper, progress slowed. It’s going to be a fantastic ride/walk once it’s built, but there is still a lot of work to do before it can be officially open.
Thanks to Frankie, Karl, Bronnie, Jonathan, Seamus, Derrie, Rickie, Patrick, Martin, Marie, Blake and Sam for plugging the hard yards.