Christmas buzz at Rameka

In a desperate attempt to escape the horror of Wellington at Christmas time, Jonathan and Bronnie headed for Project Rameka. Talk about swinging from one extreme to the other! Rameka was the quietest we have ever seen it – just what we needed after a very busy year.

Apart from sleeping, reading and soaking in the ‘panorama bath’, we did make a few improvements to the project.

Here is Bronnie checking out one of the new notice boards, which Martin installed and we helped finish off. We are about to head down Kahikatea Gully to weed all the trees there. It needed doing, but was actually quite easy this time as Murray, Ginny, Matt and Jonathan has weeded them only a month ago. The trees are looking great, especially the Rimu!



And here is a particularly fine photo of Brent Hartshorne taking measurements on the Odessy. Progress is slow on this track, as the main efforts are being put into extending Great Expectations. Also, Brent has been busy working on opening several hundred metres of the historic Rameka Trail above Project Rameka, AND on building a NEW trail beside Rameka Creek. It’s all go in the Rameka Valley!

However, while new tracks have been built, the first section of Great Expectations has become a bit overgrown and rutted in places, so Bronnie and Jonathan gave the roughest sections some TLC.

The biggest Christmas buzz though was the purchase of another 48 hectare property for restoration and recreation purposes in Golden Bay. Phil Castle and Beth Burdett popped the champagne on their exciting new project just before Christmas. It’s been a difficult purchase, but one well worth it as the property on Motupipi Hill (between Takaka and Pohara) has significant biodiversity potential, and there are already several existing tracks, so providing walking and cycling opportunities will be straight forward. Phil and Beth have set up a trust, and Jonathan is honoured to be one of the trustees. No doubt we will hear more about Motupipi Hill in the New Year!

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