May Regrouping at Rameka

May marks a significant anniversary for Rameka. It’s when the project first kicked off way back in 2008 and is generally the time for the Rameka AGM. Last year’s was delayed until September because of COVID, so only eight months on and it was time for another reflection on how the project is going. And so? In a nutshell, the Rameka carbon forest is going bloomin’ awesomely!

Of course, a trip to Rameka is never just about one thing. Jonathan (as the chair of the Rameka Incorporated Society) and Bronnie went across for six days, and spent the week of sunny days catching up with Rameka and the locals – of both the human and non-human varieties.

And it kicked off with a workparty to tidy up the start of the historic Rameka track from the Rameka cafe towards the pines.

Bronnie and Corrina showing how it’s done on the upper Historic Rameka track
Amy Thornborrow and her son Archie got stuck in to make the tracker easier to ride. They were having way too much fun for the job.
Marie Langley showed impressive form by walking up from the totara car park … and then walking back down again afterwards – a total of 10 km of walking not to mention the digging!
Ricky Ward, looking very happy with his section!
Jonathan took his time and was extra fussy with his section.
Bruce ‘the powerhouse’ Chick turned up, even though he’d just blasted through the Heaphy the day before and was absolutely trashed from that.
One of the things we like about this photos is all the trees beside the track were planted and are thriving now. They took a few years to get going though.
Here is Project Rameka secretary Amy Thornborrow test riding the section of track that we’d spent the morning rejuvinating.

But the week wasn’t just about the tracks. There was also a bit of time dedicated to checking in on tree plantings – weeding around little seedlings that had been swamped with rank grass and removing plant guards from trees that had shot up and away and no longer needed protecting.

When Ginny Woods rode Tour Aotearoa in 2016, she decided to use the opportunity to raise money for trees to go in on various projects around the Nelson Tasman area where she lived. At Rameka, we planted most of the trees Ginny donated in the area shown below, and as you can see, they are thriving. If Ginny were still with us, we’re sure she would be happy to see her small forest claimed by fantail, weka and robin.

Wineberry, mahoe and pittosporum were the packhorses planted in this area. Their rapid growth will help support the slower-growing natives, such as hinau and rimu that are tucked in amongst them.

Jonathan and Bronnie also spent time with pest control officer Matt Shoult, sorting out areas for the spring planting at the end of August. This year, we’ll be aiming to get back into a site that was damaged by a landslip after heavy rain many years ago. It’ll be good to get some plants in the scruffy bracken-filled area.

The weather continued to play ball and was warm enough to re-stain most of the Rameka Creek bridge – something that we need to do fairly regularly to keep the bridge in good condition.

Without traps and trappers, the stoats, weasels and rats would thrive. Instead, it is the weka, fantails, robin and ghecko that are thriving, and that’s in no small part to our diligent team of trappers Paul Kilgour and Fill and Albie Burgers. Jonathan and Bronnie spent an afternoon in the Burgers’ wonderful shed helping repair tired old traps. Fill and Albie will take the traps back up to the project next time they do their rounds.

Here are Fill and Albie Burgers and Jonathan repairing traps before taking them back into the hills.

We’ll be back in August for tree planting. Can’t wait!

Planting post COVID

In late 2020, I think a lot of us were feeling it; the urge to get out and move on from the restraints of COVID lockdowns and all the associated concerns.

In the last week of August, a large group of Wellingtonians made the pilgrimage across to the Bay and, along with some locals, let loose their pent-up energy to plant 1,200 trees over two quite different sites.

Planting super tough species on the explosed spur facing northwest below the Great Expectations pine block

It was a wild time planting 200 native trees down the exposed spur. We planted: flax, puahou (five finger), akeake, kānuka, kāpuka and kōhūhū. We’ll be monitoring this site with great interest, and any species that survive the challenging conditions of the area – and particularly those that flourish – we’ll be looking to plant more of in future. So, the word is out; start growing now!

Obviously, the site wasn’t as daunting as we anticipated – or at least, not for these two intrepid backpackers who joined us (but remain known only as the ‘cool hats backpackers’)!

Thanks to Bevan and Gera and Chris and Bob from Nelson; Geoff, Maryann, Marilyn, Jeff, Bronnie, Richard, Nicole, Jonathan and the ‘cool hats backpackers’ for their awesome efforts scrambling all over this site.

The next site to be planted was a big area near the connector track, which avoids a bit of road section for the historic track at the top of the project. This sits about 450 m above sea level and faces east. The bulk of the plants went into this site. The planters involved in blitzing this large area included Amy Thornborrow, Phil Castle, Ricky and Corina Ward and Paul Kilgour of Golden Bay; Helen, Jeff, Marilyn, Bronnie, Nicole, Richard, Geoff, Jonathan, Terry, Merryn, Ann-Louise, Evan, Stuart, Rick, Winnie, John and Andrew of Wellington. Here are a few pics of the team in action …

The site had been sprayed months earlier to remove rank grass and make the planting easier.
Each plant needed a plastic guard to protect it from weeds, wind and pests that might want to nibble at it. The guard also makes it easier to find the plant again months later once the weeds have grown up again.
The ground wasn’t as easy to work as Marilyn and Richard are making it look – there were rocks and holes hidden all over the place.
Nicole is standing in an area of trees we planted in 2017. It looks like they’ve finally settled in and should take off from now on.

Christmas comes early to Rameka

August is a great time for introducing young native seedlings to the land at Rameka because it’s at the end of winter when the ground is still nice and damp, the days are cool – but starting to warm up gently – and the chance of rain to water the stressed plants is high. But that same winter weather can make it hard to coordinate good planting days.

Not this time though.

Rameka put on stellar weather, day after day after day …

This planting had special significance as it would see the start of a forest dedicated to long-standing Project Rameka supporter Martin Langley, who passed away earlier in the year. We aimed to plant 1,000 trees in his honour in a gentle swale close to the top of the project.

Martin’s trees ready to plant

On a fine Thursday morning, Amy, Archie, Bronnie, Jonathan and first-time visitor Helen Kettles (commonly known as Captain Kettles) began laying out 300 plants in preparation for a tree-planting blitz with Motupipi Primary School in the afternoon. The day was so still, you could hear every buzzing bee in the flowering tree lucerne, every flap of kereru wing as they blundered from tree to tree, every indignant weka squawk, with replies ringing out from around the valley. Yes, as much as we were gearing up for an end-of-winter planting, the bird life was already well into preparations for spring time.

Bronnie, Helen, Amy and Archie get ready for the planting blitz
Bronnie, Helen, Amy and Archie get ready for the planting blitz

Pretty soon, we spied a train of cars chugging its way up the hill and the planting was on! Two classes of eager year 4, 5 and 6 students and multiple parents and teachers made short work of the 300 plants we’d laid out for them.

Amy leads the charge of Motupipi Primary School children up to the project

Within the hour, the job was done, five finger, lemonwood, kapuka and wineberry freckled the site and car loads of happy children were waving their way back down the hill. Hopefully in years to come, they’ll be back, peering up through a lush grove of trees that have outgrown them in no time at all!

Motupipi Primary School celebrate their planting

For the rest of us, it was time to lay out the next 700 plants for the Saturday community planting, and still the weather held.

Planters flocked from Wellington, Nelson and Golden Bay to cover the hillside in native trees and pay tribute to Martin. The sun shone and by early afternoon, all 1,000 trees were in the ground and everyone sat back in the sun to admire their work.

Planting in progress on Martin’s Trees site

It felt good to give something back to the land. And with the place absolutely humming with bird life, it felt even better to think of creating even more forest for the birds to thrive in.

Good weather, good will and great results – it really felt like Christmas had come early to Rameka in 2019.

Satisfied planters relaxing at the end of the day

Tribute to Martin Langley, 1954–2019

Martin at Makara Peak, Wellington, 2012

By Jonathan Kennett

Late on a dark and drizzly night, just shy of the mid-winter solstice 1999, Bronnie and I drove over Takaka Hill in search of mountain bike tracks to include in Classic New Zealand Mountain Bike Rides. As we cruised through a deserted Takaka township, we spied a small bike shop to our left. “How on Earth does a bike shop survive in a small town like this?” we wondered.

The following day dawned beautifully fine, and so we headed straight back to the shop, hoping that the owner might point us to the best rides in the bay. The shop was ancient and simple, but it included guitars (a big tick from me), a huge topographical map of Golden Bay on one wall, and behind the counter, Martin Langley, with his beanie pulled down over his ears, a grease-covered apron covering a thick jumper, and the most welcoming smile.

Not only did Martin point us to all the local tracks (only a handful back then), he also took us for a ride up the Old Mill Road that afternoon and invited us to stay the night with him and his wife Marie. Finding common ground with Martin was effortless, and so began a long friendship.

On the Wakamarina, 2011

Fast forward to 2007. Martin knew that Bronnie and I were looking for land to turn into a forest carbon sink. He understood why we wanted to do it and didn’t think we were crazy at all.

We had no real idea of where to buy land and were looking at blocks from Dunedin (cheap but a long way away) to Kapiti (close but expensive). Then, one morning, the office fax machine buzzed to life and stuttered out a real estate advert for land in the Rameka valley. It was an anonymous fax, but the number matched to The Quiet Revolution Cycle Shop.

I called Martin straight away and arranged to head over and take a look, on his birthday as it happened. Martin, Marie, Bronnie and I piled into their old blue van and drove up the valley. That day, we actually looked at two properties for sale up the Rameka. One was much further up and a bit cheaper. However, the lower one suited better for several reasons. The forest was younger (so it would absorb a lot more carbon dioxide), people cycling the classic Rameka Track passed right through it, and Martin loved the Rameka Track and could see the potential. It made a huge difference to us knowing that Martin was behind our plan because Martin was a doer. He had already been a pivotal influence for mountain biking in Golden Bay, including organising events, building tracks at Parapara and instigating the track building at Canaan Downs.

Riding the newly-opened Pack Track with Josh and Andy, November 2011

With such valuable support to reassure us, Bronnie and I began negotiations with the real estate agent. Settlement day was 29 April 2008. Before then, Martin and I returned to Rameka a couple of times, to scope it out. Dreaming up the possibilities for 48 hectares of land with Martin was very exciting!

When Project Rameka was formed on 1 May 2008, down at the Wholemeal Café, Martin was a founding member for the incorporated society committee, and stayed on it for good. The Quiet Revolution Cycle Shop became Project Rameka HQ, with Martin and Marie spending a lot of time promoting the project. The shop was where people could find out about the tracks and work parties and make a donation after their ride. Tools often got sharpened on the shop’s angle grinder, which made a helluva racket. And countless people hired bikes from the shop to go riding through the project.

Martin and Marie taking a coffee break at The Quiet Revolution Cycle Shop, Takaka, 2016

When we discovered from the previous landowner that the historic Rameka Track ran through the property (hidden under scrub), Martin started organising regular Thursday work parties, and attracted a band of local diggers who helped him reopen the track to the pines. Then he turned his attentions to Great Expectations. But perhaps his crowning glory was reopening the 4 kilometres of historic Rameka Track down the Takaka escarpment, with the final few metres being cleared in mid-2017. That was a truly epic mission as much of the scrub was a near impenetrable tangle of gorse, barberry and bush lawyer. Martin and his crew (mostly Matt, Andy, John and Hernan) had to crawl and battle their way through, all the time making sure to stay on the historic bench. But it was worth it, and Martin loved hearing that people were enjoying riding the track.

Hernan, Andy, Martin and John on a historic Rameka track-clearing expedition

Work on reopening the historic track breaks through to the Takaka escarpment and some breathtaking views over Golden Bay, July 2017

Martin recognised that humans are trashing the planet. But rather than dwell on the negative, he would help by joining the tree planting work parties and transporting trees up the valley. For this purpose, he sometimes used one of his most prized possessions, the Ugly Trailer. I’m amazed it ever got a WoF – it should have failed on looks alone, it really was that ugly. But what a bargain: as Martin fondly recalled, “they practically gave it away!”

Recommissioning give-aways was par for the course for Martin and his mates at Rameka, and their ingenuity in finding and repurposing discarded stuff from all corners of the bay never ceased to amaze us. The Thursday work parties often ended with lengthy sessions up at The Lorax Lair, where the team pottered away on one project or another. They usually involved a barbeque and beers and extended far into the small hours of a morning. A bathtub, complete with chimney, appeared early on – a hint for smelly volunteers perhaps?

The bath was installed within a week and still satisfies many an aching limb.

Then a funky fireplace incorporating farm machinery and bike parts grew up. However, Martin’s most inspiring creation would have to be the water wheel: long may it spin. If Martin could re-use anything creatively, then he would. It was the same with repairing bikes. If anyone could keep a bike going, it was Martin. He saved many a steed from a premature trip to the tip.

Waterwheel installation; bamboo, rubber, plastic, stainless steel, caste iron; Martin Langley, 2010

With his favourite digging tool, Rameka forest, May 2009

Although he was perfectly happy to stand up in front of a crowd and play guitar, when it came to work parties, Martin often preferred to disappear with a small group. If we organised a really big work party on the project, with 20 or more people, he might hardly be seen. I think only Marie truly knows how many work parties he joined – certainly more than anyone else over the first 10 years of Project Rameka.

Those who knew Martin understand how lucky they were to share time with him, but many more who never met him have benefited from Martin’s generosity as they ride or run tracks that he built, past trees he planted, down to a shop he founded more than 20 years ago.

Ride on Martin.

Martin surveying the wild West Coast that he loved – Heaphy 2011

Rameka Turns Ten

Yup, it’s been 10 years – a decade since Barack Obama was first elected President of the United States, promising an environmental programme of alternative-energy for that world super power; a decade since the polar bear was added to the list of ‘threatened’ species, becoming the first animal to do so due to the effects of global warming; a decade since we formed the Rameka carbon forest.

A polar bear (Ursus maritimus) jumps in the fast ice, north Spitsbergen Island, Norway. Credit: Arturo de Frias Marques

What a fitting time to celebrate with a little spruce-up for the project! Last year, Corina Ward suggested we provide visitors to the area with information on the history of Rameka and background to the project. It was a fantastic idea, and we leapt on it. Interpretation panels would give those visitors an opportunity to understand more about the area they were travelling through. And researching the information to go on those panels gave us a greater appreciation for this well-loved area.

Many thanks for their help in gathering information and photos go to: Cliff Turley, author of Rocks and Hard Places: The Takaka Hill; long-time Golden Bay resident Skeet Barnett; fourth-generation local farmer Dave Edmondson; the Golden Bay museum; interns Alex Delhagen and Orion Dick-Neal (who did the initial research); Paul Kennett (creator of the maps) Jonathan Kennett (for pulling the whole thing together and writing the narrative) and the many, many others who provided valuable feedback on multiple drafts.

Come November this year, new interpretation boards were ready and waiting to go in at each entrance, and some new volunteers were keen to come across from the North Island to help put them in place.

From left: Robbie Fyfe, Dhara Knight, Penny Kennett and Bronnie Wall settle in at the Lorax Lair.

Richard Green, his son Yoshi and friend Charlie Bowker had already prepared some really smart boards to go up at each of the hubs around the project – and had even dug the holes and installed the first one at the top site!

Richard and Yoshi get ready to add the interpretation information at the top board.

The other boards went up at: The Forks:

Richard, Yoshi, Penny and Jonathan Kennett can be thanked for getting this board in the right place at the Forks.

the mill site:

Richard, Yoshi and Jonathan make quick work of the interpretation board added at the Mill Site.

and the bottom of the historic Rameka track:

Dhara Knight keeps an eye on some suspicious-looking characters at the bottom interpretation board … or maybe they’re keeping an eye or six on her!

Each board comprises six panels. The top three are the same for all four boards and include a map, details about the surrounding tracks and information on the Rameka supporters. The three bottom panels are different on each board, providing details that range from the history of sheep farming and timber milling in the area to as much as we could find out about the original track formation in the late 1800s, old maps of the area and a timeline dating back to the 1860s.

So, next time you head through the project, give yourself time to pause and have a gander at the interpretation boards. I suspect you’ll be impressed.

In 2018, many of Barack Obama’s initiatives have been rescinded and the fate of the polar bear continues to teeter as the effects of climate change march on, but here at the Rameka Carbon Forest, thousands of trees have been planted, three primo tracks have been opened, the bird and native plant life is flourishing, and good things are on the up and up.

Golden Bay from the historic Rameka track – a view to inspire the soul