Rameka International Vistors Week

November 2016

Just wrapped up a brilliant week at Project Rameka. Great people, and lots done.

After heavy rain we cut back all vegetation hanging over Great Expectations and The Odyssey, as well as digging out a lot of the ruts. The other change that people will notice is that we painted 10 new signs and installed them.

We then refurbished 12 stoat traps that DOC kindly donated, and built boxes for 10 new traps to go along the Rameka valley. The final job was to monitor and release the trees planted last August. The weeds and trees are growing like crazy this spring!

And finally, thanks to the magic of photosynthesis, the trees at Rameka sequestered 26 tonnes of carbon dioxide during the week we were there.

Charlotte test riding Great Expectations. From this we wrote a Track Prescription outlining 20 difficult spots to work on.
Ignacio installed one of the new hand painted signs at the top of Project Rameka Inc. We painted and installed signs at every track entrance and fork at Rameka.
Ignacio dug out 8 wheelbarrow loads of soil from under the ‘limbo trunk’ to provide enough room for tall riders.
Andy, Simon, Charlotte, Martin, Bronnie, Ignacio, Jonathan and Marie, having a lunch break on Great Expectations. Awesome progress made to this point in only 2 hours!
Perrine and Jonathan attempt to cross the Rameka Creek, but had to back out. The strong flow was just about to take them down. This is where the new bridge will be built.
Charlotte, Bronnie, Perrine, Ignacio and Jim refurbishing DOC200 stoat traps to place on the historic Rameka Track.
Albie and Ignacio modifying old trap boxes to fit new trap mechanisms. Ten of these were then installed along the Rameka Creek Valley by Paul Kilgour who has since caught stoats and rats.
Dinner time at Rameka, Catalonia style.