When we raised funds in order to purchase the additional land at Project Rameka, we said to our generous supporters that we would protect that land.
18 months later, the Rameka Forest Restoration Charitable Trust has honoured that commitment by putting 91 ha of Project Rameka under a QEII National Trust Open Space Covenant.

A QEII Open Space Covenant protects the land in perpetuity and ensures its current, and future, owners manage the land in a way that protects its natural values.
Negotiating the covenant with the QEII National Trust involved recognising the uniqueness of Project Rameka being a carbon forest that provides riding, running and walking opportunities for the public.
So we and any future owners of the land are required to manage the land by:
- protecting and enhancing the native flora and fauna
- enhancing the land as a source of carbon dioxide sequestration
- allowing non-motorised recreational activity.
Does this mean anything changes in how we currently manage the land? Not hugely, since so much of what we do is already aligned with the covenant’s purpose. But some things might take a little longer to achieve. For example, if we want to build any new tracks or plant exotic trees, we have to first work with the good folks at the QEII National Trust to decide how that would fit with the covenant aims.
But that is a small price to protect the land for good.