Marking another great year for the Project

The annual Project Rameka AGM took place on Friday 24 May 2013. Andrew McLellan and Jonathan Kennett made a stealth mission from Wellington across to the Bay to take part in it and check out how things were progressing on the Project in general …


Andrew beside a giant tree lucerne
Andrew beside a giant tree lucerne


Andrew and Jonathan installed a tribute board for the epic Odyssey work parties.
Andrew and Jonathan installed a tribute board for the epic Odyssey work parties.



Successful plantings next to the entrance
Successful plantings next to the entrance


So the Project appears to be chugging along just dandy, thanks very much. And the AGM? Such events are always useful. They’re a great way of forcing everyone to stop, collect their thoughts and celebrate the Project’s successes – all of which we’ve covered in earlier posts. AGMs are also a good time to plan for the year ahead. And what are the plans?
Definitely continuing the Odyssey grade 4 track down to the valley so that expert riders can have a bit more space to challenge themselves but also so that more area will be opened up on the Project for pest control.
Pest controller Matt Shoult is still finding lots of damage from pigs roaming into the property from a range of points along the northwestern boundary, and mustelids and possums are relentless in their rovings through the area. Albie and Fil Burgess and Paul Kilgour are doing a fantastic job of knocking back the rat and mustelid populations with a well-established trapping line around the upper reaches of the Project. This line is being extended along The Odyssey as and when funds become available.
At this stage, a big nod must go to Kevin Hague from the Green Party for his contribution of funds to these traps. Kevin offsets his carbon footprint from all his work travel requirements with payments to the Project, and his offsetting goes straight into pest control and plants. Can’t think of a better way to mitigate carbon pollution.

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